Sunday, February 12, 2012

What are the benefits of lotus leaf tea?

It tastes good. If you're looking for health benefits, well it's better for you than whisky. But that's about it.

What are the benefits of lotus leaf tea?
Drinking Chinese Tea to Promote Health

Enjoying tea is an integral part of Chinese life. However, tea-drinking customs vary throughout China. Scented tea, like jasmine tea, is popular in north China; people in the east prefer green tea while people in the south usually drink black tea.

Being one of life's daily necessities and considering its special healing effects, tea is a common ingredient used in folk remedies. For example, it is said that tea is good for elderly people or for people who are recovering from serious diseases. When such people present with fatigue, gastric and abdominal distention after meals, it is recommended that they drink old fermented tea for several days.

Lotus seed tea: lotus seeds (30g) are first soaked in warm water for 5 hours then boiled with water and brown sugar (30g) until the seeds become soft. Tea is added just prior to serving. This dessert invigorates the spleen and kidneys, which is recommended for individuals with nephritis and edema.

Lotus leaf tea: this tea is made by greed tea powder (2g) and dried lotus leaf (9g), steep the ingredients in boiling water for 5minutes. It helps individuals to quench thirst, prevent acne growing, and improve the skin elastic as well as loss weight
Reply:it tastes good


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