Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Using Lotus Notes, how do I forward all e-mails that go to my e-mail address to another e-mail address?

I would like to have them automatically forwarded to my personal e-mail account as opposed to my work account.

Using Lotus Notes, how do I forward all e-mails that go to my e-mail address to another e-mail address?
If you are using a version earlier than R6, you'll have to create a simple agent. Open your mail file, from the create menu, choose Agent. In the properties box, change the runtime trigger to "After new mail arrives." Click on the Add Action button, change the action to "Send Mail Message," enter your personal email address, click on the More... button and enter Subject as a formula in the Subject field (this is a field name and will basically forward the actual subject along with the forwarded email). Check the box to include a copy of the document with the email.

If using R6+, expand tools in the left navigator and open the Rules view. Click on the create rule button. Add "All Documents" to the condition, then add "Send copy to" to the specified action - you'll be prompted to add your email address.

If you wish to not keep a copy in your work email, there are options to delete the email using either the rule or the agent, but its probably easiest to just add your personal email address to the mail forwarding field in your person document in the Domino server addressbook. This last option bypasses your work mailbox altogether.

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